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A Pretty Pair

I’m very proud of this new hat and scarf set, just finished today.

This is the “Leda” scarf, pattern by Pamela Wynne, done in ShiBui Knits sock, mulberry color; and the “#03 Beret” by Lori Steinberg, done in Plymouth Yarn Dye For Me Baby Llama Glow (hand-dyed with koolaide and food coloring) with an […]

Another Week in Review…

I’ve spent most of the week on the landscaping. It’s coming along pretty well I think. I hope some of the plants actually live. Sam asked why I keep taking pictures of all the plants. I told him because it may be the last time we see these plants alive. Some people have a green […]

Happiness Is…


Halle says: “This is Phillie. He’s a girl. When he turns into a moth his name is still Phillie.”

Halle was so excited to find this little fuzzy caterpillar in the backyard. She was so gentle with it. She makes friends everywhere she goes!

Halle and Phillie

And here’s […]

Side Slip Cloche is finished!

Side Slip Cloche from Boutique Knits

I just finished the Side Slip Cloche from Boutique Knits by Laura Irwin. It was an easy knit and finished pretty quickly. I used Hobby Lobby’s “I Love This Wool!” yarn, hand dyed with Kool-Aide. It only took one skein and I still have some leftover yarn. It’s […]