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Preview of Coming Attractions

After 13 years of watching me crochet and knit, Erm has finally requested I make something for him. I’ve got the pattern and the yarn (from my stash) for it ready so I can cast on as soon as I finish my Kelmscott sweater.

Wanna see what Erm has asked for?

Looks like fun…I […]

Another Week in Review…

I’ve spent most of the week on the landscaping. It’s coming along pretty well I think. I hope some of the plants actually live. Sam asked why I keep taking pictures of all the plants. I told him because it may be the last time we see these plants alive. Some people have a green […]

Just another post

T-Rex, Ready to Attack

This little guy was peeking around the corner at the top of the stairs this morning.

On the Needles

Here’s what I’m knitting up now. The pattern is called the “One Row Lace Scarf” and it’s super easy. It’s the same […]

Mission Accomplished!

The Sleekit Mitts are done! A complete pair. Erm (the Husband) wants a pair of black mitts now that he’s seen these mitts finished.

I also made another set of knitting needles today. These are US5 bamboo needles. I just took a couple of bamboo skewers and sanded them down to gauge, then glued on […]

Halfway There…

I’ve got the first mitt done, one to go. The pattern is called “Sleekit Mitts” by Star Rabinowitz. I found it on Ravelry. This is knit from a sock-weight yarn called Regia Galaxy, in Jupiter Sylt color, on size 2 needles.

Just finished…

Feza Scarf

I just finished this scarf with the new yarn I bought in Kearney, at the Woolly Mammoth. It was a really quick knit, a simple feather-and-fan pattern, on size 10.5 needles. This yarn was so much fun to work with. I finished it in 3 days!

Wings of Peace Shawl

And […]

I Almost Forgot…

On the way home, we stopped in Kearney, Nebraska, just before the bad rainstorms hit. There’s a great little LYS there called The Woolly Mammoth, where I bought these beauties:

Fiamma yarn by di.vé, 100% wool, thick & thin yarn, really soft! I love the bright greens! I got 2 skeins.

This is […]

Side Slip Cloche is finished!

Side Slip Cloche from Boutique Knits

I just finished the Side Slip Cloche from Boutique Knits by Laura Irwin. It was an easy knit and finished pretty quickly. I used Hobby Lobby’s “I Love This Wool!” yarn, hand dyed with Kool-Aide. It only took one skein and I still have some leftover yarn. It’s […]

New Yarn

Look what came in the mail for me yesterday!

Two colors of Plymouth Happy Feet sock yarn!

I have hoarded enough sock yarn in the past month to make about 20 pairs of socks…I’m still working on the first pair. But I’m prepared for a year’s worth of sock knitting now! LOL
