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Ice Skate Ornaments

Remember these old ornaments your grandma had on her tree? I just whipped up a few for my own tree. Only takes a few minutes to make them.

There’s a great version of the pattern free from Green Eyed Monster.


I made this cute little baby-sized mitten Christmas ornament today. It’s called Smitten, and it’s a FREE PATTERN from Knit Picks. It’s knit on dpn’s with scrap worsted yarn. It’s a real mitten too, so I might just try making a pair for a baby gift.


A Great Homespun Set

Just finished this great cap and cowl set for my friend Renee. Her favorite color is purple. This is the “Ribby Slouch Hat” by Naomi Adams, and the “Thick and Quick Ribbed Cowl,” both free patterns from the Ruby Knits It website. It’s knit with Lion Brand Homespun, and this great purple color is […]

Waby Baby Adult Winter Set

I had a lot of fun making that little Waby Baby Cap, so I decided to expand my pattern to include an adult size and also a matching scarf. I figured this would make a great gift for my friend Katie.

Waby Baby Adult Hat and Scarf

Example knit from Phildar Horizons in Fjord, […]

An Early Christmas Present

Look what Halle made for me:

It’s a snowman ornament, and it is just wonderful! What a treasure!

Christmas is Coming, Knit Faster!

The kids’ holiday program was tonight. I bought Halle a new dress to wear

but it was black and white, so not very Christmas-sy,so I decided to knit a

quick red shrug to wear with it. I finished it this morning. It’s knit from

Red Heart […]

Secret Santa Season

We had a Secret Santa gift exchange at work today, and a potluck. It was tons of fun. I drew Haley’s name on the gift exchange. The paper said she likes “something pink and girly.” No, really, it said that. So Erm and I went to the store a couple days ago and I asked […]